CSI Quad Slot HQS/HDS Slot HELP -> Click on any item for help info on that item. Click in this box to exit help. PORT MAPPER reassigns (redirects) communications directed to the built-in port to the selected device in the list box When enabled, an INIT runs during system startup (boot) to reassign the built-in port to the last selected device in the list. Otherwise, no reassignment occurs until you choose a device from PORT MAPPER Shows which internal serial device the built-in modem port is reassigned to. Also allows you to choose another device to reassign built-in modem port communications to by selecting another device from the list This box lists all detected internal serial ports. Prometheus cards are listed by type (Modem or Serial) and the slot number the card is installed in. Slots start at 9 (far left). Click on a list item to select that port for reassignment Causes all serial communications directed to the built-in modem port to be directed (reassigned) to the device selected in the list box If more than one serial device is present, the slot number and type of device is shown in the list. Select an internal serial device shown in the list and click on the Re-Assign button to REASSIGN all communications directed at the Built-In modem port to the selected internal device. ProSerial ProModem INIT error - Built-in Modem Port enabled Warning - No internal serial devices are detected ! Select Modem or Printer ICON ! Built-in Modem port has been reassigned to Serial Printer Port Built-in Modem Port is selected - no reassignment is enabled Slot ProSerial Nubus Serial - Built-in Modem Port Warning - Selected driver not found - Set to Built-in modem port That device already selected Driver for that PORT not installed ! Serious Error - DCE vector wrong - Set to Built-in modem port Serious Error - DCE vectors are really screwed up !